

3 Reasons Why Aligning Personal Finances With Positive Impact Enhances a Sustainable Future

By 11. August 2021No Comments

Hello you! I’m Nadine Bruder, 12-times award-winning strategist, German-born sustainability entrepreneur, advisor and investor. And I’m the creator of our flagship online program and coaching called #WealthLifeImapct Leap – which I’m incredibly excited about.

Here’s why!

Aligning your personal finance, work-life and retirement plan with positive impact is a very powerful way to support a sustainable future for three reasons:


Every cent that we spend is a decision we make for the future we want to see. Where you put your money matters and has an influence on societies and sustainable business practices!

Think about – buying water in plastic bottles that harm your health and the planet vs. buying water in glass bottles or using a refill one.


State-owned pension funds that your parents benefit from today won’t provide enough financial security for when you retire and a lot of them are not much sustainable.

And thirdly

You can’t pour from an empty cup – the more financially well-off and secure you are, the more headspace and opportunities you have to support the things that are dear to your heart.


Money-related things might be overwhelming or scary for many. But I believe being financially literate and in charge of personal finance and wealth building – for oneself and for the wealth of us all – has never been more important than today.

That’s why the 8-week online program and coaching #WealthLifeImpact Leap is all about empowering you to be able to confidently build wealth in your life based on your values and what you’ve already got while supporting a sustainable future.

The program also includes gender-related differences in wealth-building. So we encourage specifically women to join!

#WealthLifeImpact Leap provides a unique learning experience, and I’m full of gratitude that fantastic experts from the fields of finance, investments, real estate and sustainability contribute to the program. Along with me, those carefully curated experts share experiences, encouragement and insights needed for your success.

In addition, a private online forum connects you with like-minded individuals. It is a space for support and where high-quality interactions about positive impact can take place. People you meet here can become lifelong connections of yours.

And, during the 8-week program there will be 8 live group video calls with me for personal support on the modules that you will work on at your own pace during the program. Video and audio recorded lessons as well as text-based ones provide you with step-by-step guidance and a feeling of ease. Coupled with industry insights, tools, examples, and checklists that are designed to help you put into practice the mindset, process and strategies you will learn to be successful.

And lastly, you will transform all your learnings into your own individual roadmap to value-based wealth building, ready for execution or even already with investments made during the program.

I wished I would have known how to do this already when I was in my twenties!

Join The #WealthLifeImpact Community

If you are serious about being in charge of your personal finances and seek to align them with your values for a sustainable future, #WealthLifeImpact Leap is THE action-based, step-by-step guidance and network that you always wanted.

My mission with #WealthLifeImpact Leap is to inspire and provide value-based wealth building literacy and opportunities to as many individuals as possible, and in particular women (!), so that they can confidently create the life they seek while being able to invest in sustainable solutions and support positive impact. Because we’re all in this together!

To take your chance to WIN A FREE SEAT and to get a sneak-peek into #WealthLifeImpact Leap with a FREE TRAINING, sign up to the waitlist here on our program page.

I would feel very excited to see you soon! Seats are limited – so sign up to our list today, and you’ll be also notified when enrollment starts for the September edition and how to enter the lottery.

